The Man Who Looked Down: NRA Edition

Once upon a time I was watching some videos on YouTube with my girlfriend because we were bored and we found a video called The Man Who Looked Down. It was just a creepy guy looking at the screen. We couldnt stop watching it for 5 minutes but when my dad forced me to stop watching it was 3 hours after. Thanks, Obama!
So anyway after that I kept thinking I saw weird shapes out of the corner of my eye. I swear it was that pinko fuck from that video. Also, my pet bald eagle went missing. This is when I actually got scared. So one day i went to my girlfriends house and what do you know, the creepy man was there and he was attacking her.
Luckily I had my sawed off shotgun like any self respecting American should so I shot the monster and he died.
The end.